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49 motivational quotes

motivational quotes

In this article I am going to share 49 motivational quotes. These motivational quotes are perfect for instagram captions and to share with your friends. Let’s dive in.


Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise.

motivational quotes


If you want something you never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done



Life begins at the end of your comfort zone



Two things define you: your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything



The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do



A river cuts through rock not because of its power, but because of its persistence



Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it, the time will pass anyway



If people are not laughing at your goals, your goals are too small



You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great



If you want to life a happy life, tie it to a goal not to people or things



I am not what happened to me, I am what i choose to become



Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people



It doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop



Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard



Doubts kills more dreams than failure ever will



The first step to getting anywhere is deciding, you are no longer willing to stay where you are



Knowing is not enough we must apply, willing is not enough we must do



A year from now, you may wish you had started today



The activity you are most avoiding, contains your biggest opportunity



The world is changed by your example not by your opinion



Throw to the wolves and i will return leading the pack



When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful



Today i will do what others won’t, so tomorrow i can do what others can’t



Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat



Turn your face to the sun and, the shadow fall behind you



When 99% of people doubt your idea, you are either gravely wrong or about to make history



Just stick with it what seems so hard now, will one day be your warm up



What would you do if you weren’t afraid?



Don’t compare yourself to anyone



Believe in your self



One day the people that don’t even believe in you, will tell everyone how they met you



When you build in silence, people don’t know what to attack



Loneliness is the price you pay when you start to improve yourself



If someone is trying to bring you down, they are already below you



Failure is bruise, not a tattoo



Everyone is going to hurt you, you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for



Turn your wounds into wisdom



If you look at the people in your circle and you don’t get inspired, you don’t have a circle you have a cage



A good life has some bad days too



When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen



You are a CEO of your life Hire, Fire and promote accordingly



It’s better to be alone than in bad company



Free yourself from society’s advise, most of them have no idea of what they are doing



How many things would you attempt, if you knew you could not fail



If you are not willing to work for it, don’t complain about not having it



One day all those late nights and early mornings will pay off



Be valuable not available



An eagle uses the storm to reach unimaginable heights



The things hardest to bear, are sweetest to remember




There you go 49 motivational quotes. If you are Interested in this type on content give our website a visit.

54 Love quotes in urdu

urdu love shayari

In this article I am going to share 54 love quotes in urdu. These love quotes are perfect for instagram captions and to send it to your partner. Let’s dive in.


انکھیں جو اٹھائی تو محبت گمان ہو نظروں کو جھکائے تو شکایت لگی ہے

love quotes in urdu


یادیں ان کی ہی اتی ہیں جن سے کچھ تعلق ہو ہر شخص کو محبت کی نظر سے نہیں دیکھا جاتا

quotes in urdu


میرے دل میں اتر سکو تو شاید یہ جان لو کتنی خاموش محبت  تم سے کرتا ہے کوئی

love quotes in urdu


کاش کہ کبھی تم سمجھ جاؤ میری محبت کی انتہا کو حیران رہ جاؤ گے تم اپنی خوش قسمتی پر

quotes in urdu


یہ نہ سمجھو کہ ہمیں تم سے محبت نہیں ہمیں تو عادت ہے بس خاموش رہنے کی

quotes in urdu


مجھے سمجھایا نہ کرو اب تو ہو چکی مجھ کو محبت مشورہ ہوتی تو تم سے پوچھ کر کرتے

quotes in urdu


جذبے سچے ہوں تو محبت مل ہی جاتی ہے خدا خود ہی سن لیتا ہے خاموش دلوں کی التجائیں

love quotes in urdu


تم ایک شاعر کی محبت ہو جاناں زندہ رہو گی ہمیشہ لفظوں میں

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کچھ وقت کی روانی نے ہمیں یوں بدل دیا وفا پر اب بھی قائم ہیں مگر محبت چھوڑ دی ہم نے

quotes for her in urdu


دھڑکتا ہے دل بس تمہاری ہی ارزو میں پھر کیسے نہ کہوں کہ میری جان ہو تم

love quotes in urdu


تیرا وہم ہے کہ میں نے بھلا دیا ہے تجھے میری ایسی کوئی سانس نہیں جو تیرا نام نہ لے

urdu quotes


تجھے روز دیکھوں قریب سے میرے شوق بھی عجیب ہیں

quotes in urdu


تجھے ہزار بار دیکھ کر بھی دل نہیں بھرتا ہزار بار دل نے کہا صرف ایک بار اور

romantic quotes in urdu


کیا چیز پیش کروں جاناں  کیا چیز ہماری ہے یہ دل بھی تمہارا ہے یہ جان بھی تمہاری ہے

urdu shayri


میں نے تم سے تم کو مانگا تو تم مسکرا دیے تم یہ بھی تو کہہ سکتے تھے کہ اپنی چیزیں مانگا نہیں کرتے

quotes in urdu


عشق کی گہرائیوں میں خوبصورت کیا میں ہوں تم ہو اور کچھ کی ضرورت کیا

love quotes in urdu


تمہیں یاد کرنا بھی ایک احساس ہے ایسا لگتا ہے کہ جیسے تو ہر پل میرے ساتھ ہے

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وہ صبح نیند سے جاگے تو مجھ سے لڑنے ائے کہ تم کون ہوتے ہو ہمارے خوابوں میں انے والے

love quotes in urdu


جو ان کو دیکھا تو بھول بیٹھے سوال سارے جواب سارے

love quotes in urdu


اس قدر پاکیزہ محبت کی ہے تم سے سر اٹھا کے دیکھا بھی تو صرف پاؤں تک

quotes in urdu


تمہارے دل میں قید ہیں ہماری دھڑکنیں دھڑکتے رہنا ورنہ مر جائیں گے ہم

quotes in urdu


خوبیوں سے نہیں ہوتی محبت صدا خامیوں سے بھی اکثر پیار ہو جاتا ہے

quotes in urdu


ہر نماز میں فکر تیری ہر دعا میں ذکر تیرا

love quotes in urdu


دل تمہارا ہے ہمیشہ تمہارا ہوگا کون کہتا ہے مجھے عشق دوبارہ ہوگا

quotes in urdu


ہماری چاند سے بننے لگی ہے ستارے خواہ مخواہ لڑنے لگے ہیں

quotes in urdu


تو ہی تو بکھرا ہے میری روح سے میری سانس تک

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بدلہ وفا کا دیں گے بڑی سادگی سے ہم تم ہم سے روٹھ جاؤ گے اور زندگی سے ہم

quotes in urdu


پانا تو بہت کچھ تھا مجھے اپنی زندگی میں مگر تم ائے تو حسرتیں تم تک ہی محدود ہو گئی

quotes in urdu


تم میرے ساتھ بھیگنے کا وعدہ تو کرو محبتوں کی بارش ہم خود کریں گے

love quotes in urdu


بارشوں میں چلنے سے ایک بات یاد اتی ہے پھسلنے کے خوف سے وہ ہاتھ تھام لیتے ہیں

quotes in urdu


رخ یار پر یہ زلفیں یوں بکھری رہی ہیں جیسے کبھی دن نکل رہا ہے کبھی رات ہو رہی ہے

love quotes in urdu


کسی گلاب میں اتنی خوشبو نہیں جتنا تم مجھ میں مہکتے ہو

urdu shayri


لوگ پوچھتے ہیں کہ میری خوشیوں کا راز کیا ہے اجازت ہو اگر تو اپ کا نام بتا دوں

love quotes in urdu


حیران نہ ہوا کر یوں میرے یاد کرنے پر تعلق جن سے دل کا ہو وہ ہر پل یاد اتے ہیں

quotes in urdu


میں تمہارے ہی دم سے زندہ ہوں مر ہی جاؤں جو تم سے فرصت ہو

urdu quotes


خود کی فطرت کو بدلا ہے تجھے اپنا بنانے کے لیے کرو گے یاد صدیوں تک کسی نے دل لگایا تھا

love quotes in urdu


اس کی نظروں کا خمار اف توبہ یقین کرو دل نہ دیتے تو جان چلی جاتی

love quotes in urdu


بڑی شفا ہے تیرے عشق میں جب سے ہوا ہے کوئی دوسرا درد نہیں ہوتا

quotes in urdu


وہ اچھا ہے تو بہتر برا ہے تو بھی قبول مزاج عشق میں عیب یار نہیں دیکھے جاتے

love quotes in urdu


مہربان بن کے ملے ہو مہربان ہی رہنا ہماری یاد میں رہنا چاہے جہاں بھی رہنا

quotes in urdu


یہ جو نظروں سے دل کو نڈھال کرتے ہو کرتے ہوئے ظلم مگر کمال کرتے ہو

quotes in urdu


نزاکت لے کے انکھوں میں وہ ان کا دیکھنا توبہ الہی ہم انہیں دیکھیں یا ان کا دیکھنا دیکھیں

love quotes in urdu


کاش محبت میں بھی انتخابات ہوتے غضب کی دھاندلی کرتے ہم تجھے پانے کے لیے

urdu shayari


اپنے حسن میں لے کر نئے نئے انداز کرتے ہیں بڑےظالم ہوتے ہیں جو بے نقاب پھر تے ہیں

quotes in urdu


دور رہ کر بھی جو سمایا ہے میری روح میں پاس والوں پر وہ شخص کتنا اثر رکھتا ہوگا

love quotes in urdu


تیرے چہرے کے نقش ایسے ہیں انکھ اٹھاتا ہوں بھٹک جاتا ہوں

love quotes


ساری دنیا کی محبت سے کنارہ کر کے ہم نے رکھا ہے خود کو فقط تمہارا کر کے

love quotes in urdu


تیری باہوں میں ملی ایسی راحت مجھے ہو گئی جان جہاں تیری عادت سی مجھے

quote in urdu


یہ الگ بات ہے ظاہر نہ ہو سکا تجھ پر کتنا محسوس کیا میں نے تجھے تیرے بعد

love quotes in urdu


میری زندگی میری جان ہو تم میرے لیے سکون کا دوسرا نام ہو تم

quotes in urdu


تم کو یہ کمال حاصل ہے وقت بے وقت اچھے لگتے ہو

urdu quotes


قصور میرا تھا تو قصور تمہارا بھی تھا ہم نے جو نظر اٹھائی تو تم ہی نظر جھکا لیتے

urdu love quotes


جو لاکھوں میں ایک ہوتا ہے میرے لیے ویسے شخص ہو تم

urdu quotes


مطلب پرستی تھی یا پھر معصومیت  خدا جانے میں نے کہا محبت ہے کہنے لگے کیا مطلب

love quotes in urdu



There you go 54 love quotes in urdu. For more this type of content give our website a visit.

39 Islamic quotes in urdu

Quotes in urdu islamic

In this article I am going to share 39 Islamic quotes in urdu. You can use these islamic quotes for instagram captions or to share with your friends. Let’s dive in.


آسانیاں وجود میں تب آتی ہیں۔ جب تم دل سے رب کو مشکلات پر قادر سجھتے ہو

islamic quotes


دعا کی قبولیت میں اگر تم پر آزمائش آئی ہوئی ہے نا تو یقین رکھو کہ جتنی تکلیف تم اس وقت اٹھا رہے ہو نا اُس سے بھی زیادہ خوبصورت طریقے سے تمہاری دعا ۔ قبول ہوگی

islamic quotes in urdu


اللہ پر یقین وہ طاقت ہے جو پتھر کو بھی پانی بنادے

quotes in urdu


اگر اللہ تمہارا دل نہیں بدل رہا تو یقین رکھو

کے وہ تمہارا نصیب بدلنے پر راضی ہے۔

quotes in urdu


نصیب لکھنے والا جب اللہ ہے پھر لوگوں کا اور دُنیا کا ڈر کیسا

islamic quotes


جو یقین رکھتے ہیں اللہ اُن کی ہر حال میں مدد کرتا ہے

islamic quotes in urdu


وہ اُسی کو وسیعلہ بنا دے گا جو رکاوٹ کا سبب بنی ہوئی ہے

quotes in urdu


انسان کے ہاتھ میں صرف کوشش لکھی گئی ہے

کامیابی دینے والی تو بس اللہ کی ذات ہے

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اللہ پر یقین

سخت اندھیرے میں بھی روشنی پیدا کر دیتا ہے

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جو ہو رہا ہے اُسے ہوئے دو ، تمہارے رب نے تمہاری سوچ سے بہتر تمہارے لئے سوچ رکھا ہے۔

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راستہ ایک ہی تھا حضرت موسی علیہ السلام گزر گئے اور فرعون ڈوب گیا۔… بھروسہ راستے پر نہیں اللہ پر کرو

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جب یقین کی ڈور اللہ پر چھوڑ دی جاتی ہے تو پھر اللہ اپنے بندے کو رسوا نہیں کرتا

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جب تک اللہ پر ہمارا ایمان پختہ ہے کوئی ہمیں ہمارے گھٹنوں پر نہیں لا سکتا

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اپنی مانگنے پر پورا یقین ہو یا نہ ہو لیکن دینے والی ذات پر پورا یقین ہونا چاہیے

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تکلیف میں ہمیشہ صبر سے کام لیا کرو کیونکہ سونے کو اگ سے ازمایا جاتا ہے اور مومن کو تکلیف سے

islamic quotes in urdu


دلوں کا حال تم سے بہتر تمہارا اللہ جانتا ہے

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ہر ٹوٹی ہوئی امید مجھے میرے اللہ سے جوڑتی ہے

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اللہ کے سوا ہر سہارا کمزور اور عارضی ہے

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تم بس خدا کو جانو باقی خدا جانے اور اس کی عطا جانے

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درد کتنا بھی ہو اللہ کے اگے رونے سے سکون میں بدل جاتا ہے

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اپنی تنہائیوں کو پاک کر لو اللہ تمہاری عزتوں کو بڑھا دے گا

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وہ راستے پہلے ہی بنا دیتا ہے لیکن عطا صرف بہترین وقت پر کرتا ہے

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وہ اللہ ہی تو ہے جو دل کی خاموشی کو بھی سمجھ لیتا ہے

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مشکل وقت میں ہمیشہ دعا مانگا کرو کیونکہ جہاں انسان کا حوصلہ ختم ہوتا ہے وہاں سے اللہ پاک کی رحمت شروع ہوتی ہے

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محنت کا پھل اور مسئلے کا حل رب دے گا یہ مت سوچو کہ کب دے گا جب بھی دے گا بے حساب دے گا

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بہت حسین ہے خدا پر یقین کا سفر

islamic quotes in urdu


معاف کر دینے سے انسان کی اپنی روح پاک ہو جاتی ہے

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بے شک ہر مشکل کے ساتھ اسانی ہے

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دنیا کو سچا ہونے کی دلیل مت دو بس یہی سوچ رکھو کہ اللہ سب جانتا ہے

quotes in urdu


نصیب کا لکھا مل کر رہتا ہے کب کہاں کیسے یہ سب میرا رب جانتا ہے

quotes in urdu


خدا کو یاد کرنے سے دل کو تسلی ہوتی ہے

islamic quotes in urdu


جس کا ملنا دعا سے بھی ممکن نہیں ہوتا وہ چیز بھی تہجد کی نماز سے مل جاتی ہے

islamic quotes in urdu


تمہارا رب نگاہوں کی خیانت کو بھی جانتا ہے

islamic quotes in urdu


نشان سجدہ سجا کر بہت غرور نہ کر وہ نیتوں سے نتیجے نکال لیتا ہے

quotes in urdu


وہ کن فرماتا ہے اور چیزیں ہو جاتی ہیں گمان سے اگے بیان سے باہر

quotes in urdu


سوچ کیسی ہے ایمان کیسا ہے لفظ بتا دیتے ہیں انسان کیسا ہے

islamic quotes in urdu


جو رشتے تمہیں تکلیف دیں ان سے دوری اختیار کر لو

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نیک باتیں دوسروں تک پہنچانا ایمان کا حصہ ہے

quotes in urdu


کچھ راستے صبر کے ہوتے ہیں اور کچھ سبق کے

quotes in urdu



There you go 39 islamic quotes in urdu. If you are interested in this topic, give our website a visit. 

44 pet loss quotes

44 pet loss quotes


Losing a pet is like losing a piece of your heart. They’re not just animals they’re family. In this article I’m sharing 44 heartfelt pet loss quotes to help you grieve remember and honor your furry friend. These quotes are raw real and perfect for social media captions memorial posts or simply finding comfort in tough times. Let’s celebrate the love and joy they brought into our lives.


1. Your paw prints are forever on my heart.

pet loss quotes


2. Heaven gained an angel, but I lost my best friend.



3. You weren’t just a pet you were my everything.

pet quotes


4. The hardest part of love is saying goodbye.

44 pet loss quotes


5. I miss the way you made my bad days better.



6. Your love was pure your memory is eternal.

pet loss quotes


7. You left paw prints on my soul.

pet loss quotes


8. I didn’t lose a pet I lost a piece of my family.

pet loss quotes


9. The house feels empty but my heart is full of memories.

pet loss quotes


10. You were my sunshine on the darkest days.

pet loss quotes


11. I’ll never forget the way you loved me unconditionally.

pet loss quotes


12. You taught me love without words.

pet loss quotes


13. Your tail may stop wagging but your love never will.

pet loss quotes


14. I didn’t choose you for life you chose me for yours.

pet loss quotes


15. You were my quiet comfort and loudest joy.

pet loss quotes


16. The pain of losing you is the price of loving you.

pet loss quotes


17. You were my favorite hello and hardest goodbye.

pet loss quotes


18. Your love was a gift I’ll cherish forever.

pet loss quotes


19. I’ll see you again at the rainbow bridge.

pet loss quotes


20. You made my world brighter just by being in it.

pet loss quotes


21. Your memory is my keepsake I’ll never lose.

pet loss quotes


22. You were my shadow and now I feel lost without you.

pet loss quotes


23. The love of a pet is never forgotten.

pet loss quotes


24. You were my little piece of heaven on earth.

pet loss quotes


25. Your paw prints are the map of my heart.

pet loss quotes


26. I didn’t just lose a pet I lost my confidant.

pet loss quotes


27. You were my silent supporter and loudest cheerleader.

pet loss quotes


28. Your love was my safe place.

pet loss quotes


29. You were my heart wrapped in fur.

pet loss quotes


30. The bond we shared will never break not even in death.

pet loss quotes


31. You were my happy place and now my heart aches.

pet loss quotes


32. Your love was my greatest treasure.

pet loss quotes


33. You were my little miracle with paws.

pet loss quotes


34. I’ll carry your love with me until we meet again.

pet loss quotes


35. You were my comfort on the hardest days.

pet loss quotes


36. Your love was my anchor in life’s storms.

pet loss quotes


37. You were my little piece of perfection.

pet loss quotes


38. Your memory is my forever keepsake.

pet loss quotes


39. You were my joy my comfort my everything.

pet loss quotes


40. Your love was my greatest adventure.

pet loss quotes


41. You were my little star in a dark sky.

pet loss quotes


42. Your love was my greatest blessing.

pet loss quotes


43. You were my heart’s silent song.

pet loss quotes


44. Your love was my greatest gift.


pet loss quotes



Losing a pet is one of life’s hardest moments but their love leaves a lasting imprint on our hearts. These 44 pet loss quotes are here to help you grieve remember and honor the bond you shared. Whether you’re sharing them online or keeping them close for comfort know that your pet’s love will always be with you. Rest easy little one you were loved beyond words.

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46 Friday inspirational quotes

46 friday inspirational quotes


Friday isn’t just a day. it’s a vibe. Whether you’re sprinting toward weekend plans or squeezing the last drop of productivity from the week, these Friday inspirational quotes can turn your energy from “almost there” to “let’s go.” Forget generic lines. Below is raw, punchy Friday quotes designed for Instagram captions, team emails, or that final push before clocking out. No fluff. Just fuel.


1. Friday is your launchpad. Ignite it.

friday quotes


2. Today’s hustle funds tomorrow’s freedom.

inspirational quotes


3. Friday rule: Outwork your Monday self.

inspirational friday quotes


4. Weekend’s knocking. Answer with achievements.



5. Friday energy = 99% grind, 1% TGIF.



6. Closer to brunch, closer to glory.



7. Friday isn’t a finish line. It’s a flex.

inspirational quotes


8. Wear hustle today. Pajamas tomorrow.

friday quotes


9. Today’s coffee tastes like victory.



10. Friday is the bridge between goals and done.

inspirational quotes


11. Your vibe today sets the weekend’s altitude.



12. Crush Friday like it owes you money.



13. Friday fuel: Less talk, more conquer.

friday quotes


14. Don’t count hours. Make hours count.



15. Friday is for those who didn’t quit on Tuesday.

motivational quotes


16. Weekend plans? Earn them first.



17. Friday truth: Momentum loves speed.



18. You’re not tired. You’re one win away from energy.



19. Close the week like you own it. (Spoiler: You do.)

inspirational friday quotes


20. Friday isn’t for slowing down. It’s for leveling up.



21. Your Friday effort is tomorrow’s bragging right.



22. Today’s mantra: Grind now, glow later.



23. Friday is your weekly reminder: You’re built for this.



24. Weekend’s a blank page. Start drafting greatness today.

inspirational quotes


25. Friday energy = Unfinished business? Not today.



26. You vs. procrastination. Friday is the final round.



27. Friday is for making Monday jealous.



28. Today’s mission: Be someone’s motivation.

english quotes


29. Friday isn’t a day. It’s a mindset upgrade.



30. Your hustle today is your weekend’s silent hype-man.



31. Friday rule: No half-gas. Full throttle.



32. Today’s target: Turn “almost” into “done.”

friday quotes


33. Friday is the trophy for surviving Monday-Thursday.



33. Your grind today decides your weekend’s story.



34. Friday is for the relentless.



35. Clock out like a champ. You’ve earned the spotlight.



36. Friday vibes: 10% luck, 90% “I made this happen.”



37. Today’s power move: Finish stronger than you started.



38. Friday isn’t a pause button. It’s your highlight reel.

fridau quotes


39. Your week called. It said, “Thanks for not flaking.”



40. Friday fuel: One task at a time until the tank’s empty.



41. Today’s secret: Progress > perfection.



42. Friday is the art of turning pressure into power.



43. Your Friday grind is your future self’s thank-you note.



44. Weekend’s close. But first: Legacy work.



45. Friday is for the brave who hustle till the clock bows.

inspirational quotes


46. Drop the mic today. Tomorrow’s for silence.

friday inspirational quotes



There you go Friday quotes sharp enough to slice through procrastination and light up your weekend. Use them to boss up your LinkedIn, text a friend, or push through that last meeting. Remember: Fridays aren’t just about counting down. They’re about rising up. Now go crush the day and own those weekend vibes.

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50 inspirational david goggins quotes

david goggins quotes

Introduction :

In this article I am going to drop 50 David Goggins quotes to crush excuses and stay hard. David Goggins is the guy who went from 300 pounds to Navy SEAL ultramarathon runner and mental toughness legend. His words aren’t sugarcoated. They’re raw real and designed to make you stop crying and start trying. Whether you’re stuck or lazy these quotes will motivate you to work hard. Let’s get into it.


1. When you think you’re done, you’re only 40% there.

david goggins quotes


2. Nobody cares about your excuses.

inspirational quotes


3. You don’t know what you can do, until you do it.

motivational quotes


4. Suffer now so you don’t suffer later.

david goggins quotes


5. Weakness is a choice.



6. The only way to grow is to hate comfort.



7. You can’t quit when you mind wants to quit.



8. Don’t stop when you’re tired, stop when you’re done.

motivational quotes


9. No one is coming to save you.



10. You’re not tired, your mind is lying.



11. Run toward the pain.



12. Your worst enemy lives in your head.



13. Stop crying and start trying.

english quotes


14. The mirror is your toughest opponent.



15. Greatness comes from suffering.

english quotes


16. The only limits are the ones you make.



17. Never change yourself to fit in with others, be real stay strong.



18. You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you earn.

inspirational quotes


19. Your comfortable life is stopping you from reaching your best self.



20. You don’t deserve success you have to work for it.



21. In a group of 100 only one is real warrior, be that one.



22. Pain is fuel.



23. Don’t let your past define you.



24. Don’t be a spectator in your own life.



25. If you aren’t failing, you aren’t trying.



26. You gotta want it, more than you want to breathe.

discipline quotes


27. Pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever.



28. Stay hard or die soft.



29. Don’t fear failure, fear being soft.

english quotes


30. Time is running out, stop wasting it and start pushing yourself.

motivational quotes


31. Life is a long endurance race, and only the strong survive.



32. Failure has lessons in it, look for them and keep going. 

inspirational quotes


33. Training beats expectations, when things get tough.



34. Stop waiting for motivation, discipline is what gets it done.

motivational quotes


35. You were not born to be average, step up and own your life.



36. People love to talk but, talking don’t get it done action does.



37. No shortcuts no handouts, just hard work and dedication.



38. You can have results or excuses, but not both.



39. The road is long and brutal, but that’s where the real ones are made.



40. The mind is the battlefield win there, and you win everywhere.

motivational quotes


41. Every rep every mile every struggle, makes you stronger.



42. Stop waiting for the perfect time, the time is now.



43. People gonna doubt you, let them your job is to prove them wrong.

inspirational quotes


44. Every scar tells a story of someone, who refuse to quit.

discipline quotes


45. When the pain starts, that’s when the real work begins.

david goggins quotes


46. You can’t fake hard work, the results will expose you.



47. Life don’t give second chances to those, who hesitate. Move now.

life quotes


48. You don’t need people to believe in you, you need to believe in yourself.



49. Nobody remembers the guy who almost did it, be the one who gets it done.



50. Don’t stop at the finish line, make a new one



Conclusion :

So there you go 50 David Goggins quotes to print tape on your wall or scream in your car. His message is simple: life’s hard but you gotta be harder. Don’t save these quotes for later. Pick one right now use it to smash your next workout workday or weak moment. Stay hard or stay home. Your choice.

50 I miss you quotes

i miss you quotes

Introduction :

In this article i going to share 50 i miss you quotes for anyone who needs to say “i miss you” but can’t find the right words. Maybe you miss a friend family or someone special. These quotes will help you show your feelings fast. No fancy words just simple lines you can copy paste or share. Let’s get started.


1. On my silent days, I miss you a little louder

i miss you quotes


2. I miss you more than i show, I love you more than you know



3. I wish i was kissing you, instead of missing you

love quotes


4. Missing you comes in waves, and today I’m drowning  

i miss you quotes


5. I miss you every day but today it feels like everything I do, is just here to remind me that I’m living without you



6. When I close my eyes I see you, when I open my eyes I miss you

quotes for her


7. I just hugged you in my thoughts, hope you felt the squeeze

quotes for her


8. Out of sight but totally in my mind, I miss you

quotes for him


9. Until we meet again, I will be missing you



10. It doesn’t matter where I am, I’m yours

quotes for her


11. The world is very quiet without you around, I’m missing you 

sad quotes


12. I miss you more than words can say

quotes for her


13. You don’t cross my mind, you live in it

sad quotes


14. My mind wanders and, I get lost in thoughts of you



15. I wish I could see you tomorrow, even just for a second

english quotes


16. To be with you, that’s all I want



17. If I miss you any harder, my heart might come looking for you



18. You are too far for my hands to hold you but, too near for my heart to love you



19. I felt like I was leaving a piece of my soul behind the moment you left, and every second that passes I miss you like that, times a million

miss you quotes


20. Listen to the sunset Its pretty hue, when you see it think of me, and I’ll think of you

english quotes


21. I keep myself busy with the things I do, but every time I pause, I still think of you



22. The pain of missing you is a beautiful reminder, of the joy of loving you

joyful quotes


23. Missing you is my hobby caring for you is my job, making you happy is my duty and loving you is my life

inspirational quotes


24. I carry your heart with me, I carry it in my heart



25. I miss the sound of your laughter and, the warmth of your embrace

miss you quotes


26. I remember you when I look around, I remember you when I walk around, everything reminds me of you and makes me miss you



27. I don’t want to be your favorite or your best, I want to be your only and forget the rest



28. I only miss you when I’m breathing

heartbreak quotes


29. I miss you because, you are Impossible to forget

breakup quotes


30. I miss your voice because, it feels like home



31. You may not always be here at my side, but you are always right here in my heart, I miss you

heartfelt quotes


32. To me the brightest and most colorful garden, looks dull and dreary without you in it



33. I miss you so much that I can’t help but, feeling that every song I hear is about you

miss quotes


34. I am not sure what is worse, missing you or pretending that I don’t

love quotes


35. When you left you forgot to tell my heart, how to go on without you



36. I hope you’re not doing great without me, to be honest I am a wreck without you. I miss you too much



37. Even though I miss you right now, I know that you will come back to me

famous quotes


38. I always wonder If you miss me as much as I miss you



39. I hate that I miss you and that, there is nothing I can do about it

sad quotes


40. When we are together hours can easily feel like seconds, but when we are apart days can feel like years

love quotes


41. How do I tell you how much I miss you in a way, that will make your heart ache the same way that mine does



42. I’m in my bed you are in your bed, and one of us is in the wrong place

miss you quotes


43. I planned on saying a lot of things to you, but all I could really come up with is that I really miss you

i miss you quotes


44. I miss you so much at this very moment but this distance between us, is only temporary. Nothing in this world can keep us apart from one another

love quotes


45. If I had to explain how much I miss you, I would just break down and cry

sad quotes


46. Even though we are miles apart, you are still a very important part of who I am.



47. The distance means nothing, you still matter in my life



48. I have never missed anyone in my life, as much as I miss you

miss you quotes


49. I miss you the same way, that the mountain miss the sky



50. I think a part of my heart, will always miss you



Conclusion :

So there you go 50 i miss you quotes to text email or write in a letter. Missing someone is normal and these quotes make it easy to say it out loud. Pick your favorite quote send it today and let them know they’re on your mind. Keep it simple and keep it real.