Introduction :

In this article i going to share 50 i miss you quotes for anyone who needs to say “i miss you” but can’t find the right words. Maybe you miss a friend family or someone special. These quotes will help you show your feelings fast. No fancy words just simple lines you can copy paste or share. Let’s get started.


1. On my silent days, I miss you a little louder

i miss you quotes


2. I miss you more than i show, I love you more than you know



3. I wish i was kissing you, instead of missing you

love quotes


4. Missing you comes in waves, and today I’m drowning  

i miss you quotes


5. I miss you every day but today it feels like everything I do, is just here to remind me that I’m living without you



6. When I close my eyes I see you, when I open my eyes I miss you

quotes for her


7. I just hugged you in my thoughts, hope you felt the squeeze

quotes for her


8. Out of sight but totally in my mind, I miss you

quotes for him


9. Until we meet again, I will be missing you



10. It doesn’t matter where I am, I’m yours

quotes for her


11. The world is very quiet without you around, I’m missing you 

sad quotes


12. I miss you more than words can say

quotes for her


13. You don’t cross my mind, you live in it

sad quotes


14. My mind wanders and, I get lost in thoughts of you



15. I wish I could see you tomorrow, even just for a second

english quotes


16. To be with you, that’s all I want



17. If I miss you any harder, my heart might come looking for you



18. You are too far for my hands to hold you but, too near for my heart to love you



19. I felt like I was leaving a piece of my soul behind the moment you left, and every second that passes I miss you like that, times a million

miss you quotes


20. Listen to the sunset Its pretty hue, when you see it think of me, and I’ll think of you

english quotes


21. I keep myself busy with the things I do, but every time I pause, I still think of you



22. The pain of missing you is a beautiful reminder, of the joy of loving you

joyful quotes


23. Missing you is my hobby caring for you is my job, making you happy is my duty and loving you is my life

inspirational quotes


24. I carry your heart with me, I carry it in my heart



25. I miss the sound of your laughter and, the warmth of your embrace

miss you quotes


26. I remember you when I look around, I remember you when I walk around, everything reminds me of you and makes me miss you



27. I don’t want to be your favorite or your best, I want to be your only and forget the rest



28. I only miss you when I’m breathing

heartbreak quotes


29. I miss you because, you are Impossible to forget

breakup quotes


30. I miss your voice because, it feels like home



31. You may not always be here at my side, but you are always right here in my heart, I miss you

heartfelt quotes


32. To me the brightest and most colorful garden, looks dull and dreary without you in it



33. I miss you so much that I can’t help but, feeling that every song I hear is about you

miss quotes


34. I am not sure what is worse, missing you or pretending that I don’t

love quotes


35. When you left you forgot to tell my heart, how to go on without you



36. I hope you’re not doing great without me, to be honest I am a wreck without you. I miss you too much



37. Even though I miss you right now, I know that you will come back to me

famous quotes


38. I always wonder If you miss me as much as I miss you



39. I hate that I miss you and that, there is nothing I can do about it

sad quotes


40. When we are together hours can easily feel like seconds, but when we are apart days can feel like years

love quotes


41. How do I tell you how much I miss you in a way, that will make your heart ache the same way that mine does



42. I’m in my bed you are in your bed, and one of us is in the wrong place

miss you quotes


43. I planned on saying a lot of things to you, but all I could really come up with is that I really miss you

i miss you quotes


44. I miss you so much at this very moment but this distance between us, is only temporary. Nothing in this world can keep us apart from one another

love quotes


45. If I had to explain how much I miss you, I would just break down and cry

sad quotes


46. Even though we are miles apart, you are still a very important part of who I am.



47. The distance means nothing, you still matter in my life



48. I have never missed anyone in my life, as much as I miss you

miss you quotes


49. I miss you the same way, that the mountain miss the sky



50. I think a part of my heart, will always miss you



Conclusion :

So there you go 50 i miss you quotes to text email or write in a letter. Missing someone is normal and these quotes make it easy to say it out loud. Pick your favorite quote send it today and let them know they’re on your mind. Keep it simple and keep it real.


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